Lent starts with Ash Wednesday, the day when you might see people with a cross of ashes on their foreheads. These ashes are a reminder of our need for repentance and the reality of our human frailty. The ash marks symbolize sorrow and mourning over sin. The Biblical support for this observation comes from the following verses:
Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes (Daniel 9:3).
There was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting and weeping and lamenting, and many of them lay in sackcloth and ashes (Esther 4:3).
What are Other Key Dates of Lent?
Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of Lent and begins the time of Lent known as the Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter and the final days of Jesus’ life. Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, when people welcomed Him with palm branches, recognizing Him as their King.https://3c2cfc36c4670aee5ea8bae7798b6c88.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-41/html/container.html
Maundy Thursday of Holy Week remembers the Last Supper, when Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples and demonstrated humility by washing their feet.
Good Friday is a solemn day that commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion and His ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Despite its sorrowful events, it’s called “Good” because of the redemption Jesus secured for us.
Holy Saturday is a day of quiet reflection, as we remember Jesus’ time in the tomb and anticipate the joy of what’s to come. Finally, Easter Sunday bursts forth with celebration—Jesus is alive! His resurrection offers us hope, new life, and the promise of eternity with Him.
When Does Lent Start in 2025?
Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday and is 46 days before Easter Sunday. This year, Lent will begin on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, and you are following the 40-day tradition, Lent will end on Holy Saturday, April 19th, 2025.