Rev. William Wright – Pastor

Rev. William Wright is the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Croswell. Originally from nearby Lexington, Bill is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary. He served as pastor of
United Methodist congregations at Lake Linden & Painesdale (Upper peninsula), Birmingham (Associate Pastor), Bad Axe, Sebewaing and Port Huron. In 2023, Bill Wright became a Minister of Word and Sacrament of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a Teaching Elder of the Presbytery of Lake Huron. He and his wife, Dayna, live at Jeddo. Both enjoy reading, gardening and relaxing rides across country roads on their electric bikes.
Barb Yager – Church Secretary

Chances are, if you contact the Church (679-3352), you’ll hear the voice of Barb Yager or see her smiling face if you come to the Church office which is open Monday thru Thursday from 9 to 12 noon. She will be able to answer most of your questions or refer you to the right person. Barb has 35 years of experience working in an office and retired from the State of Michigan. She lives in a log home located in Fremont Township area with her husband of 47 years. Barb has been blessed with 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.
Sally Pomeroy, Clerk of Session

Sally Pomeroy has served as the Church’s Clerk of Session for many years, and provides much needed leadership when the pastor isn’t available. Sally is also the Chairperson for the Worship and Music Committee and shares her beautiful voice in the Church’s choir.
Sarah McClelland, Treasurer

Sarah McClelland grew up attending the First Presbyterian Church of Croswell. After traveling around the country following her husband’s career in the US Coast Guard, their family is settling permanently back here, in her hometown. Sarah is a Registered Dental Hygienist and avid gardener.