You are a thinking being. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you think. All day long, you are thinking and processing information. The last thing you do at night is think. Even in your sleep—your brain is sorting out your thinking! Because we think so much, it can be tempting to believe that our thoughts aren’t very […]
3 posts
Dear Church Family, Worship can be defined as “the reverence or adoration that one shows toward something or someone; holding a person or object in high esteem; or giving a person or an object a place of importance or honor.” There are hundreds of scriptures in the Bible that speak about worship and provide guidance as to both who and […]
Dear Church Family, I wanted to share with you that after much prayer and discussion our session was in full support of us moving to re-engage in worship together in the sanctuary beginning the weekend of June 14 at 10 AM. We give thanks, then, for the promise of our faith—that the Lord God will bless and keep us, the […]